The Process of Yoga: Unite

The Process of Yoga

Yoga means Unite.  We unite our body with our mind with our breathing with our spirit.  Yoga is the path to our innermost self, our Soul.  We stretch our limbs, breathe into our muscles, and arrive at the place within that is pure.  Pure truth.  Pure knowledge.  Pure understanding.  This is what the process of Yoga is all about.  It is an Experience.  We can read about the different poses, what they look like and what they’re for.  We can read in the Yoga Sutras what we will expect to gain in our minds from practice.  But it is deeply personal.  Our mat is our sanctuary.  It is where we practice facing courage, letting go into relaxation, and where we embody triumph.  

The path of Yoga is like peeling an onion, all the different layers of our self are stripped away, like a snake shedding its skin.  We can literally feel what no longer serves us.  The yoga asanas (poses) were first developed for the purpose of meditation.  When we move our energy the mind is able to let go and experience stillness.  The mind is a tool, never meant to completely run the show on overdrive.  When our energy does not move it becomes stuck and stagnant and that causes a blockage and eventually “dis-ease” or disease.  Yoga brings ease to our life.  When we consistently show up and practice, we not only get the rust off of our “vehicle”, we develop a mind that is clear and focused and calm.  We live our highest truth.

Yoga is a breathing practice first.  When we harness our breath, deep, steady, and even- profound shifts occur in our lives.  We have the ability to ground ourselves deeply and respond from a place of sovereign steadiness.  Our inhales become inspiration, our exhales become expiration.  We fuel our system with vibrancy, life force energy, and generate vitality.

We balance our hormones, empower our immunity, and take on the physical shape we were meant to reside in.  Everything is practice, that is how greatness is achieved. 

 Trust the process.

Yoga is the very first thing that gave me authority in my own life.  I experienced a major change in how I carried myself through the world.  I gained so much more confidence, because I felt strong, and assured in myself.  I was able to let go and trust in life, because I trusted myself, through continually showing up for myself.  The path of Yoga is comprised of 8 tenets of which to live by, as follows:

The YAMAS - ethics towards others

  1. Ahimsa - Non Harming.  Honor your body where you are, be kind to yourSelf and Every living being.

  2. Satya - Truth.  Live your truth, speak your truth, be honest with All.

  3. Asteya - Non Stealing.  Do not steal from your own ability to live life to the fullest, do not steal what is not yours ( including time) from others (literally and energetically).

  4. Brahmacharya - Moderation.  Be mindful of your interactions with others.  Honor all.  See them as souls going through the same set of challenges and victories as you.

This is also described as celibacy- but a more modern way of looking at it is to regulate your life force with intention.  Honor what feels good and do it with reverence.  

  1. Aparigraha - Non Grasping.  Do not take or want more than your fair share.  Watch greed.  Notice when you are reeling towards excessiveness. 

The NIYAMAS - inward observances

  1. Saucha - Purity.  Cleanliness in body, mind, spirit. The foods you put in, pure water, the company you keep, what you put in your consciousness, your home and environment.

  2. Santosha - Contentment.  Be content with where you are right now, it is exactly where you need to be.

  3. Tapas - Austerity. The burning desire to know, to grow, and to stick to discipline and structure.  A sincerity towards reaching a goal.

  4. Svadyaya - Self Study.  Always examine your life honestly, where you can do better (from what you’ve learned).  How can you celebrate your successes, large and small.  What are the limiting beliefs you can let go of to rise up.  Always learn through LIFE.

  5. Ishvarapranidhana - Surrender.  To your Higher Power, whatever that may be.. God, Source, Universe, Great Spirit, etc.  Have absolute faith in this in your life, gratitude.


Winter Solstice 2021


The power of practice: Meditation