New Year New Moon

Time to pull your bowstrings back and aim your arrows towards attainment, ambition, and adventure. This being the new moon in sidereal Sagittarius, a fresh start is all around us. The trees have all lost their leaves and stand baring their bones. The air is crisp and cold and the clouds lay a heaviness all around. The stillness is ever present, beckoning us inwards, to stoke the fires within. It is time to sink down and connect to our souls deeper dream. What is awaiting fruition, just below the surface of the passing world. This is a time to pause, to lift the rug and look underneath into the darkness. Time to embrace this magic carpet ride on discovery.

We find ourselves in the still black of night. We look up, and begin to recognize the illuminating spark of stars. Our eyes grow accustomed to the dazzling array of diamonds in the sky and we recognize the familiar flickering hue of flames. We watch the soft hues of orange, yellow, and red dance and we relax even further. We allow ourselves to drift into the memories of the past year, all we’ve experienced, all we’ve accomplished, all we’ve ovecome. We bask in the wisdom we’ve gained as we’ve grown. We discover more of our souls gifts as we share more of our hearts with the world, our compassion and creativity. If there’s anything you’d like to leave behind from this past year, now is the time to do so. Take a deep breath in through your nose, and blow it our your toes. Continue to blow things away into the wind to get carried off. The new year is a brand new chapter.

Now is the time to reach down and discover what gifts await you, to open up and bring new light into the world. New joy, new levels of expansion and understanding. What makes your soul sing, follow that brightness into uncharted territory, over new horizons. What challenges will arise, will only teach you wisdom beyond imagining- leaving solid ground to place your feet upon, with strength and confidence only courage will reveal.

Take a deep breath and imagine yourself now at the end of this year, having accomplished all the wonderful things you’ve been dreaming about. Truly feel the the satisfaction of having succeeded, of having the courage to craft your life according to your souls desires.

Remember, now is the moment of power. When we are touch with the stillness, we give space to tap into our dreams. We can talk with our spirit, converse with our highest self, and listen to our hearts. Breathe in this new light of inspiration and exploration.

How can you up level healthier habits?

What unhealthy habits can you release?

How can you take up a new hobby, what interests you, what have you always wanted to do?

What brings energy and excitement to your life? What feels good? Note what doesn’t

How can you cultivate better relationships, with yourself and those around you?

What can you replace?

How can you connect to your deepest truth?

How can you cultivate calmness, and the courage to step into this new year into your Life?


Yoga Nidra


Winter Solstice 2021