Mabon Autumn Equinox Meditation 2022

Equal.  Balance.  Release.

Find a comfortable space and begin to scan your body, allow yourself to rest and settle into the rhythmic waves of your breathing.  Begin to soften and relax. Let go.  Bring to mind your Intention for this upcoming season.

Begin to visualize nature in Autumn, the soft swirls of reds and browns and golden light streaming towards you.  Feel the dryness of the Earth and hear the cool breeze gently releasing the leaves down towards hibernation, to replenish the Earth and the cycle of Life.


Imagine your body, mind, and breath as an extension of Nature.  Feel the glowing reddish hues of the sunset, the golden light and long shadows of the day drawing to a close, the harvest moon, shimmering dew crystals on blades of grass in the early morning, mist rising on a cool lake,  sparkling spiderwebs, a golden pumpkin out in the field, a tall oak tree, apples hanging heavy on branches.  Change is in the air…


Who would you like to be?

What do you really want to do?

Where do you want to be?

Open your inner eye to see, listen to the wisdom that bubbles up, feel your intuition…

The time is Now, Visualize to Realize you create Life…


Now notice an area of heaviness… Visualize and feel the leaves letting go and gently floating to the ground.  Disconnected now, invite lightness and come back to your deepest dream now that you are cleared…

Why is there any reason for you not to live the life you wish to live?  Believe and align.

What qualities do you need to embrace to reach this dream?

What characteristics are most beneficial to you at this time?

What action steps do you need to empower for inspiration and motivation to powerfully move forward?  

What beliefs and behaviors of victim mindset can you release to move into a vibrant and vivacious new you?


How do you want to Live?

What needs to be cleared?

What qualities do you need to align?

What specific action do you need to take, Today, Tomorrow, and so on…

Do that one thing starting now..


Nature moves slowly yet deliberately to intrinsic harmony and balance.  

Equal light, equal dark.  Let go to Fall into the highest version of yourself you can imagine.  

Feel that, and so be it.  Blessings and welcome the new season.

Namaste xoxo


Ashtanga Yoga: home practice