The story of Soul Bloom Introduction

I was born in rural south eastern PA, with access to the Big Woods (French Creek State Park/the Birdsboro Watershed).  I was always out in the woods.  I loved the feeling of the trees towering over me, the profound feeling of anything heavy on my mind evaporating into light, and the ability to experience the pure essence of my very own soul.  All these gifts I learned to value as being close to the Earth, Nature, Spirit.  

At 23 I moved out West, to work in the Lodge at Yellowstone.  I grew up with a family of self employed restaurant owners, so food service was something I was very familiar with.  After a few months in the park, I relocated to Jackson, WY.  This was a wide open space in the mountains - outdoor adventure to the extreme.  It ignited so much of my soul to embrace this wild way of living, that I was very used to in my own home life growing up.  My grandparents hiked the entire Appalachian Trail, taught us to ski at age 3, rode motorcycles, etc.  I worked in multiple florist shops, and was very familiar with plant growth requirements, having worked in greenhouses back home.  The ability to turn my love of nature into art was a match made for me.  I was passionate about blending colors and texture to create a feeling of vibrancy.

Around 2012 I found myself living on the island of Maui for 2 amazing years.  My heart still to this day is firmly planted in the fertile soils of aloha in those wonderful islands.  I was an absolute beginner at yoga, but suddenly found myself in a yoga teacher training.  My soul was pulling me into this realm of consciousness, movement, philosophy, and psychology.  Here, there were words for what I’ve always been intrigued with.  I dove headfirst into all the training I could, and worked with many highly esteemed teachers, particularly of the Ashtanga Lineage.  I experienced firsthand what it truly meant to dig deep below the surface of the psyche, to unstick the stuck through the practices of yoga.  I worked with Ayurveda, Astrology, and had the opportunity to work on a Biodynamic Farm.  It was truly all so magical.

I moved home in 2014 and went through a series of challenging times.  I faced some demons in the eyes of alcohol and put to rest a 15 year long battle with addiction.  I became a mother to my amazing son.  I left an abusive relationship.  I picked the pieces back up of myself to the soul that I had become a shadow of.  I lost hope.  In the process, I found so much more.  Reiki became the glue that brought me back to life and understanding.  I received all Levels of Usui Reiki and became a Master Teacher.  Energy medicine was a language I was very familiar with ever since I was a little girl, I now understood my sensitivities to be strengths and gifts, not something I felt compelled to numb out.  

In 2019 I founded Soul Bloom Florals.  I planted the seeds for the first branch of my business in my dreams coming true.  I followed my soul through it all, and I bloomed into the person and business I was longing to create.  In growing the specialty cut flowers, I found a way to stay connected to the Earth, the seasons, and art.  It was a paramount for me to stay within the realm of supporting local agriculture, sustainable living, and organic lifestyle.  In 2020 I opened my first yoga studio in the local community center and exactly one year later, I found the home of my yoga studio Sanctuary.  This is the space I’ve been searching for.  I founded my first line of all natural, organic skincare.  I didn't let any plant material go to waste.  I use herbs as my foliage for bouquets and the leaves I strip,I turned into handcrafted tea blends and distilled the oils of the plants into Hydrosols (essential oil infused waters).  My online shop includes products that nourish your body, mind, and spirit.

It is my aim to bring beauty to the world and uplift people’s spirits through the natural world and flowers.  Flowers are said to be the highest revolution unto themselves, it is the symbol for what Soul Bloom truly is.  The ancient practices I’ve experienced through Yoga, Ayurveda, and Astrology gave me the lens and the power to see myself and the world around me with clarity.  It is the path to the Soul.  Reiki is near and dear to my heart in the magnitude of the proof of the invisible realm right within this world of ours.  I am passionate about sharing the knowledge of plant based beauty, to know your glow.  Soul Bloom Sanctuary is a place to grow, uplift, unite- to reach your highest potential and wildest dreams of yourself.  We hope you join us and our community in the path to light.  Many blessings, Kristen Brower


The power of practice: Meditation